Saturday, March 21, 2015

Post GDC News

I was at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) a couple of weeks ago.  I have to say it was the most productive GDC ever for me.

Not only did I get to "smooze" and talk shop with Phil Spencer (Head of the Xbox Division), but I connected with the combat designer for the new Killer Instinct.  He has agree to give me advice and possible direction for Guardian Clash.  It was a huge score as far as networking and connections.

The Universal Fighting Engine is being update to work for Unity 5, and soon after work will begin in porting the framework for Unreal Engine 4.  Not sure if Guardian Clash will stay on Unity3D or move to unreal.  It all depend on opportunities.  Time will tell.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ever wondered....................Guardian Clash!

Ever wondered who win in a battle?:

Santa Claus vs The Boogeyman
The Tooth Fairy vs. the Easter Bunny
Jack Frost vs The Great Pumpkin

These are the questions I plan to answer in the next great fighting game:

The Plan:

I hope to be able to show a prototype of the game to potential publishers at the Game Developers Conference.  However, if I don't get any of them to bite, plan B is to show a version of it at this year's Texas Showdown Fighting Game Tournament.

Between now and then, I plan to show the game as it is being developed.

The journey continues.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Journey Begins

A long and drawn-out back story. From the first day I played Street Fighter II at my local Fiesta Supermarket back in 1991, I dreamed of designing a fighting game. I remember getting "Salty" because I was losing all the time until I got good with Chun-Li. Then I discovered how to be cerebral with Dhalsim and how to read my opponents.

From that day forward, fighting games became my favorite game genre. I worked in corporate America for a few years after graduating college. But then the game design bug bit me and I couldn't thank of anything else since. I taught myself how to use 3ds Max and eventually Maya in order to produce game art. I would spend the 14 years honing my craft and making connections in the game industry. I now teach 3D Animation at Houston Community College and Game Art & Design at the Art Institute of Houston to pay my bills while helping to make smaller games and apps on the side.

However, with the resurrection of fighting games as a popular (but some what niche) game genre, I once again began to dream of a fighting game that I created. Life is all about opportunity.

Opportunity came when a gentleman by the name of Daniel Esteves began to create a fighting game frame work for the Unity3D Game Engine. I have been using the Unity3d engine since 2009, so I was well versed in how to use it. I knew I wanted in on this venture so I approached Daniel with any help that he needed to get the frame work off the ground. What this now meant was that I can now realize my dream and I plan to go for it.

TL:DR - I'm making a fighting game, and I plan to make the best fighting game possible. I plan to blog my journey since I have Game Art & Design students who are interested in making a fighting game as well. You'll get to see every trip and screw up, every success and failure. And I plan to have as much fun as I can making it happen. Nothing to it, but to do it.